Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
The ancient treatment techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have stood the test of time, having evolved over thousands of years. This form of healing utilizes yin yang and the 5 element theory to diagnose illness. Treatment is based on these principals and are individual to each patient.
Our Saskatoon based Doctor of TCM uses various psychological and/or physical approaches including cupping, electrical stimulation, gua sha, dietary therapy and tui na massage, as well as herbal products to address your health concerns. Acupuncture is also a therapeutic technique utilized in TCM, which involves the use of needles to treat a wide array of physical, mental and emotional conditions. ​​​
Origin is pleased to offer online booking and direct billing services to most major insurance companies!
Traditional Chinese Medicine treats all health concerns including, but not limited to:
Mental Health
Fertility/Gynecology (all natal stages)
physiological and mental ​
Urinary Concerns
Digestive Concerns
Improving Energy
Sports Performance
General Health